Optimizing the Production System in Order to Culling and Maintain in the Cattle Farms of the Cities of Ardabil Province with Emphasis on Abortion

Optimizing the Production System in Order to Culling and Maintain in the Cattle Farms of the Cities of Ardabil Province with Emphasis on Abortion


  • Reza Seyedsharifi Department of Animal Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Maryam fatahiyan Department of Animal Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Nemat Hedayat Evrigh Department of Animal Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Jamal Seifdavati Department of Animal Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Sajad Badbarin Animal Science Research Department, Kermanshah Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Kermanshah, Iran, Islamic Republic of


Optimization Cow Abortion Optimal life Culling and maintenance


Introduction: One of the most important management decisions affecting livestock profits is timely replacement with young heifers. The economic value of livestock is based on the two industries of production and reproduction, and reproduction always precedes production, because until there is no reproduction, production will not be possible. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to optimize the production system in the direction of elimination and maintenance in the cattle farms of the cities of Ardabil province with emphasis on Abortion.
Materials & Methods: In this research, the statistics of incomes and expenses of 2021-2022 related to a number of industrial cattle farms in four cities (Ardebil, Khalkhal, Germi and Nir) were used. The collection of statistics and information in this research was by means of document study, observation and face-to-face interview. Using the analysis method of the economic system of the dairy cow herd, it was analyzed into income and cost components, then a bio-economic model was simulated using mathematical models, and optimization was done using the Compecon toolbox of MATLAB software. Dairy cows were classified by status variables including production power in 3 levels (low production, medium and high production) and abortion with three statuses (normal, light abortion, heavy abortion) and were investigated in the planning horizon with 10 lactation cycles.
Results: Based on the results of the investigated model, in the low production group, the current value increased up to the fourth lactation, then it started to decrease. In the medium and highproduction group, the present value of production takes on a decreasing trend, which has an economic justification in the medium production up to the fifth lactation and in the high-production
up to the sixth lactation. It can also be seen that the optimal decision at each production level is the same for different abortion situations. In order to investigate the effect of the change in the input values on the response of the model, a sensitivity test was used so that the effect of a 10% change in price-related parameters on the average life of the herd was investigated. The results showed that with the increase in the price of heifers, and the rate of discount and decrease in the price of milk, the
optimal lifespan of the herd increases.
Conclusion: Increasing the lifespan of the herd can play a significant role in increasing the profitability of the herd through reducing replacement costs and increasing the abundance of productive animals. Estimating the financial losses caused by abortion can also help in making the optimal decision to remove or maintain and improve the reproductive performance and thus the profitability of the herd. Because abortion is one of the main factors affecting the profitability of dairy herds, so that the continuation of cattle life depends on the improvement of reproductive traits.







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